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respekteras av stater och arbetsgivare, desto mer rättvist och jämlikt är samhället, säger Sharan Burrow, generalsekreterare för ITUC. Ordförande i ITUC Sharan Burrow myntade begreppet ”There are no jobs on a dead planet” som var avgörande för fackets omsvängning. säger Sharan Burrow, generalsekreterare för världsfacket ITUC, som är världens största fackliga organ med 181 miljoner medlemmar i 163  world” alongside fellow co-chairs: Chet Sinha, Erna Solberg, Christine Lagarde, Sharan Burrow, Ginni Rometty and Isabelle Kocher. Watch it  ITUC:s generalsekreterare Sharan Burrow menar att trots att dessa företag har en vinst på totalt 3,4 biljoner amerikanska dollar och makten att  regler så att arbetstagare kan få trygga jobb, löner, ett friskt samhälle och miljö, kommenterar ITUCs generalsekreterare Sharan Burrow i ett pressmeddelande.

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Sharan Burrow fue elegida Secretaria General de la CSI durante su Segundo Congreso Mundial celebrado en Vancouver, en junio de 2010, siendo reelegida en mayo de 2014 durante el Tercer Congreso Mundial de la CSI en Berlín. Anteriormente fue Presidenta de la CSI desde el Congreso Fundador de dicha organización en Viena (noviembre de 2006), y de la CIOSL desde su 18º Congreso Mundial celebrado 2020-12-16 · Former ACTU president Sharan Burrow, who is now the General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation in Brussels, is part of a new Vatican body aimed at reforming capitalism. Pope Francis launched the Council for inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican last week, on the traditional Christian feast day of the Immaculate Conception. Med minsta möjliga marginal vann den sittande generalsekreteraren Sharan Burrow striden om vem som ska leda världsfacket ITUC de kommande fyra åren. Organisationerna har lika många röster som medlemmar och Sharan Burrow fick 54,7 miljoner röster (52 procent av rösterna) medan Susanna Camusso fick 50,2 miljoner (48 procent av rösterna).

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Together, these leaders are holding themselves and their peers accountable for a Neither Hann nor his colleague Lefebvre had any contacts on LinkedIn, despite claiming illustrious careers in the third sector. Sharan Burrow was co-chair of the World Economic Forum meeting Sharan Burrow, International Trade Union Confederation “Making basic global rules about gendered violence is an important step to making a safer, freer world for working women,” she said. Sharan Burrow General secretary, International Trade Union Confederation Previously president of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (from 2000 – 2010), Burrow is a passionate advocate and campaigner for social justice, women’s rights, the environment and labour law reforms, and has led union negotiations on major economic reforms and Inequality is overwhelming and the rules of the economy have to change.

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Bernadette Ségol, ETUC and PERC General Secretary.

Sharan burrow linkedin

2020-08-18 International Trade Union Confederation. Sharan Burrow is General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, representing 200 million workers in 163 countries and territories with 331 national affiliates. A passionate advocate and campaigner for social justice, women’s rights, the environment and labour law reforms, Sharan has led Sharan Burrow was elected General Secretary of the ITUC at its Second World Congress in Vancouver, June 2010. Prior to this, she held the position of ITUC President since its Founding Congress in Vienna (November 2006) and the position of ICFTU President since its 18th World Congress in Miyazaki (November 2004). Sharan Burrow linkedin Sharan Burrow was elected General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) at its Second World Congress in Vancouver in June 2010.
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Sharan burrow linkedin

Anteriormente fue Presidenta de la CSI desde el Congreso Fundador de dicha organización en Viena (noviembre de 2006), y de la CIOSL desde su 18º Congreso Mundial celebrado 2020-12-16 · Former ACTU president Sharan Burrow, who is now the General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation in Brussels, is part of a new Vatican body aimed at reforming capitalism. Pope Francis launched the Council for inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican last week, on the traditional Christian feast day of the Immaculate Conception. Med minsta möjliga marginal vann den sittande generalsekreteraren Sharan Burrow striden om vem som ska leda världsfacket ITUC de kommande fyra åren. Organisationerna har lika många röster som medlemmar och Sharan Burrow fick 54,7 miljoner röster (52 procent av rösterna) medan Susanna Camusso fick 50,2 miljoner (48 procent av rösterna). Sharan Burrow is the General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

I länder  ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow said “the Egyptian President and Government must listen to the legitimate demands of the massive  ”Europa har haft den största försämringen när det gäller respekt för arbetares rättigheter”, säger Sharan Burrow, generalsekreterare för ITUC. från Nordkorea.
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Miljontals informella arbetare hos flera storföretag - Fair Trade

Sharan Burrow admits to being worried. And with good reason. As general secretary of the International Trades Union Congress (ITUC), she represents around 200 million workers in 163 countries - people at the sharp end of one of the deepest and most severe economic recessions for a century. As ITUC's Sharan Burrow puts it, you can't have dignity, let alone decent work if people are feeling bullied, harassed or are the subject of sexual violence. So let's get Convention 190 ratified. Let's create workplaces that are 100% human, because we respect and care for each other. 🙌 # RatifyC190 # RatifyILO190 2018-12-22 · Sharan Burrow has been General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation since 2010, and a champion of workers rights in the age of technology.